No Cages H.O.G.® Chapter

The No Cages H.O.G.® Chapter is proudly sponsored by No Cages Harley-Davidson®. The chapter is made up of a group of people who enjoy riding Harley-Davidson® motorcycles - a lot. We have a full calendar of events and rides throughout the year so there's always somewhere to ride. We also hold chapter meetings monthly throughout the year. Our rides range from dinner rides during the week to weekend overnighters. Wherever and whenever you like to ride, there's sure to be a group going.

2025 H.O.G.® Chapter Events

click here to download schedule

No Cages H.O.G.® Membership

Download and print the release form and drop off to Barbie Kindle at the No Cages Harley-Davidson® dealership. 

Release Forms

Guests are always welcome on our chapter rides. If you are a minor or a guest participating in any chapter event that includes a group ride, a release form is required. You can pre-print the form(s) and bring it with you the day of the ride. Release forms can be turned in to any chapter officer.

Adult release form click here.

Minor Release Forms

Please note: Both forms must be signed each time a minor rides with the chapter (even if they are a chapter member). The forms must be signed by the child's legal guardian.

Minor release form click here.

Minor's assumption of risk form click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a member of the No Cages H.O.G.® Chapter?

First of all, you must be a member of national H.O.G.® (For more info on National H.O.G.® membership please call 1-800-CLUB-HOG or visit Then you must complete the chapter membership registration forms and turn them in with your dues to a chapter officer at chapter event. You can also turn in your registration any time at the dealership.

How much does it cost to become a member?

Annual dues are $20.00 and renewals take place every January.  

How long is my membership good for?

Membership begins at the annual gathering held in January of each year and runs until Dec 31st.

What are the benefits of membership?
  • As a member of the No Cages H.O.G.® Chapter you will be eligible to participate in all Chapter functions.
  • You may bring a guest to every Chapter event. Note: All guests must sign a release form each time they participate in a Chapter ride.
  • Fun, Food and Friends. As a member of the Chapter you will encounter a lot of fun and friendly people who love to ride, eat, laugh and find enjoyment in life in general, but especially in the pursuit of good rides!
What kind of rides do you do?

We do all kinds of rides. All day, afternoon only, weeknight, week end, overnight, you name it! We try to vary the time/distance, time of day and day of week so that there is something on our schedule to appeal to any rider and any schedule.

Can I bring my child to Chapter events?

All of our rides and events are family friendly. Kids are welcome. Note: All minors must turn in a release form signed by their legal guardian each time they participate in a Chapter ride.

Can I attend a meeting or ride if I'm not a Chapter member?

Absolutely, please do! We welcome guests at our rides and events. Check out the calendar and y'all come! Note: All guests must sign a release form each time they participate in a Chapter ride. It saves time if print the release form in advance and have it ready when you arrive (see the link on this page to print) or we'll have a copy that you can fill out at the beginning of each ride.

When are your meetings?

We have our meetings the first Saturday of the month at 9:30 am in the H.O.G.® Room.

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